By Tabitha Redder/nw news editor

Theatre Northwest members were pleasantly surprised that one of their own won national recognition at the Kennedy Center American College Festival.
NW student Christine Moreno was recognized for distinguished achievement in the Outstanding Choreography category for her work in the production of The Good Woman of Szechwan that Theatre Northwest performed during the regional festival at the end of February.
Gregg Henry, an artistic director at the Kennedy Center American College, is on the awards committee that determines national awards and recognition and saw the performance at the festival in Shreveport, La.
“Her work popped out. It was unique. It was very exciting to watch,” he said of Moreno’s choreography. “She had really terrific movement combinations. She seemed to make it work with [the actors’] bodies. I thought it was exceptional stuff.”
In addition to choreographing the play, Moreno played two roles, but it wasn’t a simple task.
“It was extremely difficult to choreograph and be in the show at the same time,” she said. “There were a lot of times where I wanted to sit and watch to see what everyone else was doing, but I also had to be on stage.”
NW drama associate professor and play director Josh Blann worked with Moreno to choreograph the production.
“She works incredibly hard,” he said of Moreno. “She’s a great student, director and actor.”
Moreno was grateful for the chance to have more control of the production.
“Josh Blann really gave me a great opportunity,” she said. “I know that a lot of schools don’t necessarily give students that opportunity, especially undergrads.”
Moreno was the only student recognized in the outstanding choreography category.
The others were faculty.
“That’s pretty awesome. That does make me smile a little bit,” she said.