(MCT) No entertainment is so cheap as reading,” British writer Lady Mary Wortley Montague wrote two centuries ago, “nor any pleasure so lasting.”
Book lovers would argue nothing has changed. Reading requires no Internet connection, no cell phone, hardly a chair.
And now autumn looms, and with it the annual harvest of new books. Here are a few of the more interesting titles coming for the fall season.
The Almost Moon by Alice Sebold, author of “The Lovely Bones,” will be published Oct. 16.
Portraits and Observations: The Essays of Truman Capote will be published Oct. 9.
Lana’s Lakota Moons, a novel for young readers by Virginia Driving Sneve, will be published Sept. 1.
Cleaning a Rainbow will be published Oct. 1 by BkMk Press.
Savage Peace: Hope and Fear in America, 1919, about the shaky armistice following the Paris Peace conference, follows Woodrow Wilson. The book by Ann Hagedorn is available now.
“Those poor souls … of the city had no idea we were watching from the rooftop of the tallest building in town” is part of The Farther Shore, the debut novel from Matthew Eck, which will be published Sept. 28.