By Matt Koper/ne news editor
NE Campus will celebrate the 150th anniversary of the Civil War April 6-11 with a series of presentations and a performance by the Frontier Brigade Band.
Mark Dolive, library services director, will begin the events April 6 with a presentation on the Civil War’s flags. Dolive said he will have important flags seen throughout the war.
“I’ll have flags representative of the Confederate side, the Union side, military and the national flags,” he said. “There’s a history to every flag, and there’s a reason for every flag.”
History instructor Andy Hollinger, who will present 150 Years After: The Enduring Legacy April 9, said it is important to highlight the significance of the war.
“It’s a defining moment of America that frankly changes everything,” he said. “It’s not just the 750,000 people that died. It’s the lasting impacts of the changes in the United States.”
Hollinger said he plans on dispelling myths about the war.
“Most people think of the war as the North against the South when it was really the North and the South against the slaveholding South,” he said.
Richard B. McCaslin, history professor and chair at the University of North Texas, will read excerpts from his book Lee in the Shadow of Washington April 7. Author and Texas Wildlife reporter Henry Chappell will read excerpts from his book Silent We Stood April 8.
For more information, contact student activities at 817-515-6688. See Names & Events, page 4, for time and location for each event.