Finals begin soon, so TCC students who are sick of the shakes may want to attend the Calming Test Anxiety lunchtime workshop sponsored by the TR center for academic success May 7.
TR counselor Mandy Melton will discuss several examples of how test anxiety affects a person such as “feeling of dread, tense muscles or headaches.” Then, she will go into how to better prepare for a test by “reminding you of past successes and studying for the test ahead of time instead of cramming,” she said. The presentation will be held noon-1 p.m. in TRTR 3102 Discover Room.
Melton holds a bachelor’s from Texas A&M-Commerce in counseling and English and a master’s from Texas Woman’s University in counseling.
“By now, I have probably taken approximately 200 tests,” she said. “Both in high school and college, I struggled with taking tests in math.”
Always more drawn to humanities and social sciences, Melton said she has experienced test anxieties.”
She had difficulty concentrating and sweaty palms: “I struggled with eating right before the test.”
The workshop is free and open to any TCC student.
— Alex Sanders