NW student Hans Reeves lines up to spike the volleyball during NW’s intramural volleyball tournament Sept. 6. Most campuses offer different intramural sports during the semester. Photo by JW McNay/The Collegian
By JW McNay/managing editor
Students set and spiked their way through the intramural volleyball competition Sept. 6 on NW Campus.
Competitors divided into teams of six and played volleyball in a bracketed tournament. Officials kept track of each game’s score on the gym’s scoreboard and gave the winning team medals as a prize.
NW intramural director Aaron Garcia said around 20 students attended and would like to see an increased turnout at future events.
Intramurals are offered on most TCC campuses and cycle through different sports throughout the semester. The only requirement to participate in intramurals is a student ID to enter the gym.
“Some universities charge you for a gym pass. We don’t,” Garcia said.
TCC students also have free access to the gyms at all campuses, and Garcia encourages students to take advantage of the free facilities.
“It’s free. [We] keep them active, take them out of their shell [and] want them to network with other students,” Garcia said.
NW student Hans Reeves was one of six students on CV Squad, the winning team of the volleyball tournament.
He wants intramural events to be more frequent.
“The more, the better for me,” Reeves said. “[It] let’s everyone kind of meet each other and have a little bit of fun.”
NE, NW and TR student Amanda Meredith used to play volleyball in high school and was “excited” to be invited to play.
“I think it’s important just to meet people and be able to find new friends,” Meredith said.