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By Juan Ibarra/campus editor
Trill or Not Trill will be partnering with NW student activities and the intercultural network to talk to students about leadership through the lens of hip-hop.
Trill or Not Trill is a nationwide educational and student development firm of public speakers, professors, bloggers and consultants. Their focus is to integrate the interests of students into leadership and educational experiences.
“Trill or Not Trill has presented at several student development conferences,” said Rachael McCloskey, NW student activities coordinator. “So, one of the TCC campuses made contact to bring the group to our campus.”
The organization will be presenting at two other TCC campuses during the same week to contribute to Black History Month events.
“Wherever there are students doing great things, we want to be present and help them elevate to an even higher level,” said a spokesperson for Trill or Not Trill.
The partnership is part of a series of Black History Month events student activities has planned to celebrate the month. The other event will be the Celebrate Black History event.
Whereas, the Celebrate Black History event will be studying the past. This event will look to be focus on modern-day symbolism and music.
“Learning is all around us,” McCloskey said. “It’s all about perspective. It’s exciting for students to see how the hip hop culture illustrates leadership lessons.”
The uniqueness in tying both culture and music together to create a leadership seminar is a different type of presentation than just a lecture or presentation.
“The most exciting thing is figuring out which element of hip hop represents you,” said a spokesperson for Trill or Not Trill. “Also, you may just have to show off your bars if you have any.”
The intercultural network has a goal to increase intercultural awareness, inclusivity and academic achievement both on and off campus.
“I have used my life experiences combined with academics to work towards supporting our students here at TCC and in the community,” said Jonathan Perez, intercultural student engagement and academic success coordinator.
The focus on inner empowerment is a throughline within the event. Trill or Not Trill wants to turn that empowerment into something they could utilize.
Students who attend will be able to take the tangible advice and support to learn how to progress toward their goals.
“We aren’t just speakers,” a Trill or Not Trill representative said. “So, the benefit we seek to deliver to the students is tangible advice and support towards their goals that they could take home with and progress.”
Leadership Lessons from Hip Hop
9:30-11 a.m. Feb. 26
in the Walsh Library
on NW Campus