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The following is in response to the April 3 viewpoint “Faulty advice results in lost time, money:”
I was very disappointed to read this article, and I regret the experience described by the author with TCC academic advising. I can only hope that the author’s experience is not the common experience of other TCC students on our campuses.
Advisors take great pride in researching what does and what does not transfer to our four-year university partners, and once a student determines their major and the institution they intend to transfer to, they should be able to depend on their advising as long they do not change their major or transfer institution.
Additionally, our campus transfer centers are in constant contact with university advisors and sponsor transfer fairs as well as sponsor advisor tables just so transfer university advisors can visit with students one-on-one.
Transfer center personnel can also assist students with those universities that have signed transfer articulation agreements with TCCD in the event there are concerns of questions about transferability of courses.
Also, NW Campus advisors and other campuses are being assigned to divisions in an effort to learn more about courses and course requirements, and all TCC advisors have recently completed National Career Advising Certification with the end in mind of helping students determine career goals and course pathways to that job.
I do agree with the author, however, that it is always a good idea for students to visit the university of their choice and meet with a transfer advisor just as it is a best practice to get to know an advisor and stay with that advisor throughout the duration of the college experience.
Students should see their advisor each semester just to ensure that they are on the right pathway and ensure that they are selecting the right courses each semester. Remember, students have an obligation to determine their major or career path and to consult with a career services specialist if they need assistance in determining a major or pathway, and they should visit regularly with their advisor to ensure a seamless advising and transfer process.
Finally, I highly encourage students enrolled in technical programs to visit with their CTE (career and technical advisor) each semester to ensure that they are on track and graduate on time without extra courses.
—Joe Rode, vice president for student development services