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Olla Mokhtar
campus editor
The Masquerade Ball sponsored by SE Student Government Association ended their spirit week with a night of mystery and enchantment.
Spirit Week began on Oct. 24 and ended on Oct. 27 with the ball to celebrate.
The ball was organized by SE SGA along with help from a variety of departments and clubs. Members of administration, including the SE Campus president Bill Coppola, and other clubs and organizations on campus all came together to make the ball run smoothly and give a magical night to the students.
The event was open to students across all campuses. Including Connect Campus where the Vice President, Anthony Guevara, of their SGA came to support the event and SE counterpart..
“My relationship with SE SGA is fantastic,” he said. “Being in SGA for Connect Campus myself, I work alongside them frequently and enjoy fraternizing with likeminded people.”
Guevara expressed his enthusiasm with the event and its future at TCC.
“I absolutely loved the event. It was so well organized and the vibe with the other students was euphoric,” he said. ”I would love to see this event not only done again in SE, but across the district to show that college organizations are fun and amazing.”
Along with wanting to see the event happening again, Guevara said that he believes that students benefited from the ball in a number of ways.
“I believe the students benefited from making new friends, learning about different organizations in an organic way and ultimately just having fun and blowing off steam during midterms,” he said.
SE Campus student Xander Todd and secretary for SE SGA agrees with Guevara.
“I had many students approach me saying this was more fun than their high school proms and students who were grateful for a free event like this on-campus,” he said. “I think everyone there was having a good time.”
He further agrees with Guevara and hopes to see the event happen again.
“I thought the entire event went very smoothly and it was a blast. My favorite part was DASHH sponsoring mock tails for the night,” he said. “I would absolutely love for the opportunity to help plan something like this again.”
SE Campus student Bethany Barker talked about her favorite aspects of the event.
“I really enjoyed the event and the food was probably my favorite part. I believe students have the benefit of meeting other students,” she said. “I think having more events like these gives us more opportunities to meet other people.”