By Martina M. Treviño/photo editor
Craftsmanship has died unceremoniously in the U.S., quietly going to its grave alongside its companion — customer service.
They were murdered by the bottom line, the supreme entity given infinite power by those who would reap its benefits.
The idiom “anything worth doing is worth doing well,” attributed to England’s Lord Chesterfield, appears to have no meaning in today’s society.
It seems that “time is money” has taken its place, and workers are forced to get the job done as quickly and cheaply as possible.
Little thought is given to the quality of the resulting product or the satisfaction of the consumer. Customers are often forced to wait in long lines or search for someone to pay in a store.
The agony and frustration involved in navigating an automated telephone system or being placed on hold for hours has been felt by almost everyone.
Even something as mundane as getting a glass of tea refilled in a restaurant can present a challenge.
I want to understand why this shift has happened in the business world. What has caused the 180-degree shift from “the customer is always right” — make them happy — attitude of the 20th century?
I refuse to believe that people just don’t care anymore.
I am inclined to think that the indifference results from the pressure employees contend with. Most are overworked and underpaid with no job security.
With jobs constantly being cut to appease the profit-seeking bottom line, employees are often required to do the work of two or more people.
Taking the time to do a job right is now a luxury.
But the hurried approach is counterproductive.
Eventually, someone is going to have to deal with the results. Time will have to be spent correcting the problems.
The only thing gained will be dissatisfied customers who will tell others about their bad experiences. Or better yet, they’ll post it on Facebook or Twitter. Maybe bad PR will be the magic needed to resurrect competence in the workforce.