By Montreal Spencer/south news editor
The purpose of the Fast Track Option is to shorten the completion time of the nursing program from 24 to 18 months through the credit-by-exam process.
Students are recommended to have all general courses completed ahead of time before applying to the nursing program.
“The option was first launched in the summer of 2005 with one paramedic student, and now she is a JPS employee,” said Betty White, assistant director of the nursing program.
“They’re getting more faculty certified so the option of the online courses can offer more flexibility,” she said.
Students have to apply for the option during the January and February application period for fall admission. Students will know by April if they are accepted.
If accepted, students will then take the tutorial in the first summer session and start in the second summer session.
With the Fast Track Option, students work on their senior courses during summer one and two sessions instead of four semesters and a summer session.
“The students still have to go to the hospital for the traditional clinical experience including 12-hour days on Saturday,” White said.
For the summer of 2008, 10 students started the option, and seven completed the program.
Family, friends and colleagues honored the graduates Aug. 27 for their completion of the nursing program.
Dr. Bonnie Higgins, retired director of nursing for 29 years, spoke about the seven graduates at the recognition ceremony.
“They’re very flexible and compassionate, and we’re very proud they were the first to go through the program because their reputation was excellent,” Higgins said. “They have all the qualities you want a nurse to be.”
Delinda Collins, one of the seven graduates, said the Fast Track Option was challenging but good.
“It was an extensive program. It was wonderful and not pain-free,” she said. “I feel great.”
Pamela Brown, another graduate, was also satisfied with the Fast Track Option.
“It was an excellent program, and the faculty was the best,” she said.
For more information on the Fast Track Option or the TCC nursing program, call 817-515-4173.