By Laurance Traylor/reporter
South Campus will host a concert in celebration of Hispanic Heritage Month at 7:30 p.m. Oct. 17 in the Recital Hall.
Oscar Dressler, South music professor, in collaboration with Patricia Bedford, NW music instructor, will perform different pieces featuring Latin American music.
“This is going to be more contemporary in style,” he said, “more folkloric in style, pointing to the folklore in Latin American settings through the music of the settings we will perform.”
Bedford, as soprano vocalist accompanied by Dressler on piano, will feature as many countries as their repertoire will allow.
“Very much ‘global’ in regards to the Hispanic global community,” Dressler said, “as many countries as possible.”
The two of them are not strangers to performances: Bedford having had recitals in five South American countries and Dressler having presented lecture-recitals in Italy.
The concert is free and open to the public. Reservations are not required.