By Matt Fulkerson/sports editor
The SE gym floor shook as close to 150 students, faculty and other attendees participated in the third annual ZumbaFest.
“This is a great way to give back to the community before the holidays,” said SE intramural director Danny Aguirre.
To take part, participants donated at least two canned food items benefiting Mission Arlington, a local faith-based charity that works to provide for those in need. Those who brought 10 or more items were entered into drawings for various prizes at the end of the night.
SE physical education instructor Melissa Evans started the evening with a warm-up before turning things over to instructor Traci Stonum.
“ZumbaFest is such a great way for students to get exercise while giving toward a worthy cause,” said Stonum, who has been teaching Zumba classes since 2008.
This year’s event collected 862 canned goods, which will be delivered to Mission Arlington this week, Stonum said.
“This is our third year of ZumbaFest,” she said, “and I look forward to seeing it grow each year.”