By Angelica Estrada/reporter
A small, but enthusiastic group showed up on SE Campus April 12 to compete against members of the Organization of Latin Americans in several sporting events.
Open to all SE Campus organizations, the day-long event featured volleyball, basketball, soccer and football.
Xavier Santana, tournament organizer, said the participants had positive reactions to the day’s event.
Although not as successful as OLA members hoped, the students who participated said they enjoyed the tournament.
“We did not have a great outcome, but we did the best we could to let the campus know.”
Santana said he first brought the idea to his organization because he likes sports.
“And it would be good for my organization to be known, as well,” he said. “TCC and other organizations have not done any sports event like this one before.”
Corina Melendez, another SE Campus student, said she decided to participate because she likes volleyball.
Thomas Mulvihill, a SE Campus student, is an active sports fan.
“I like sports, and my friend told me about [the tournament],” he said. “I would definitely participate in this tournament if they did it again.”