By Susan Tallant/editor-in-chief
Close your eyes and imagine a park. What do you think of? A few monkey bars, swings and a sandbox, perhaps?
Now imagine a park designed by children. Add a castle, neighborhood houses, frontier town maze, covered wagon, tree fort tower, jet and a helicopter to the above list, just for starters.
Oh, don’t forget the rock wall, rubber bridge, cargo net, gazebo stage and slides … lots of slides. Let’s add a spiral tube slide, polka-dot slide, tot slide, tunnel slide and boot wave slide. Anything else?
Yes! Beautiful landscaping, murals, chimes, shade benches, sidewalks and, of course, trees. Sound like a dream park? It is.
Construction for this dream-come-true-playground, built with entirely donated funds, materials, labor and tools, begins today in Fort Worth, and the project needs our assistance.
With the help of Leathers and Associates, an internationally renowned playground design company that has been featured in Smithsonian magazine, Readers Digest and on Sesame Street, Tillery Park, located near the Fort Worth Zoo, is getting a make-over.
Friends of Tillery Park, a charitable organization formed for the sole purpose of renovating this historic city park, is ready to begin construction, but the group needs a helping hand.
The playground will be constructed in five days, beginning today, and volunteers are needed. Everyone can contribute.
Got muscles? Pound nails. Got patience? Help with childcare for those with muscles. Whether it is painting, cutting or serving food, everyone can contribute.
Jennifer Tayag, president and general coordinator of the project, said more than 2,000 volunteers are needed. As of yesterday, 1,000 were signed up to help.
No time? Give money. The project, awarded a $25,000 matching grant by the Fort Worth Parks and Community Services Department, needs $175,000 this week. To volunteer, donate money or get more info, go to or call 817-926-2065.
With the help of Fort Worthians, our city will soon have a beautifully designed, state-of-the-art, wonder playland for the entire city to enjoy.
Imagine that.