By Amanda Khadra/reporter
Sometimes it seems hard to keep up with current trends, but an upcoming South Campus event will examine what to expect in the future.
Christopher Carcerano, center of academic success coordinator, will present 10 Majors for the 21st Century 12:30-1:30 p.m. April 22 in SACD 1402.
“This seminar is for people specifically who are new to college or coming back to school to change careers but don’t quite know where to go or what is out there,” he said.
With all the new technology, many companies require new training. Open to the public, this seminar will tell students what to expect when they look for a job or decide to go back to school but aren’t sure what they want to do.
“I focus specifically on careers that have come into the foreground within the past 10 to 15 years or careers that have been around for a little while that are gaining more popularity and profitability due to recent world events or changes in our cultures or lifestyle,” he said.
Because of the economic downfall, many people are getting laid off or finding it difficult to find a job.
Carcerano said this seminar should help people learn what some of the more common jobs are now. He designed the seminar to help students become successful not only inside the classroom but outside as well.
“Having a plan and knowing what career to focus on and how to go about pursuing a job in that career field are just as important as anything that you learn in class,” he said.
“My seminars are open to everyone and done during the lunch hour to serve as kind of a brown bag format for learning more about being a successful college student,” he said.
For more information about the seminar, contact Carcerano at 817-515-4396.