By Karen Gavis/managing editor
Going to college is like baking a cake.
TCC students are all originals. No two students are exactly alike.
One could make the comparison of passage through college to the art of creating a culinary confection.
First, a person needs all the right ingredients. Some appear to have been endowed with them all at birth. But the rest of us do not fit neatly into that category. We still need some stuff.
After a person does finally get all of their stuff together, the heat gets turned on, and, usually, the creation will go through the fire.
I can relate to that.
What works for one may not work for another, and to further complicate matters, everyone’s circumstances are different as well.
Some fly through TCC, leaving nothing but smoke and taillights while others embrace their studies at a much slower pace. It is sort of like we have these enormous dreams to attend college, but when we finally become college students, the goal transforms. After that, most students’ No. 1, burning priority is to get out of college as rapidly as possible.
It is essential that all the right ingredients are used because, if not, things may not turn out pretty in the end. For instance, the cake could fall flat.
Great cakes come in all varieties. Strangely, some varieties do not even need to go through the fire. For instance, a no-bake cheesecake just has all the right ingredients, gets stirred up and then chills. That’s nice.
However, the process for other creations is a bit more complicated. There are even upside down cakes that are created and presented in a non-traditional manner.
The main thing is that wonderful creations are made, and it doesn’t matter how they are made. Whatever ingredients they are made of, they can present those in their own unique style and give the world a bit more flavor.