By Alaina Bapp/reporter
Raising awareness about a silent epidemic, SE counselor Michele Faith shared myths about suicide and provided information to help students recognize the warning signs of suicide.
Faith said people often mistakenly believe that talking about suicide may cause a person to commit suicide. But openly sharing is more helpful than people think.
Students struggling with suicidal thoughts should seek out help, Faith said.
“My first advice would be to go to their counseling center,” she said. “There is a counseling center on each campus that has qualified, licensed mental health professionals.”
Students can also seek help by calling 9-1-1, going to the emergency room, going to see physicians at mental health centers or the Tarrant County MHMR.
Suicide is the second-highest killer of people in the U.S. age 10-35, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Faith said students can look for a few characteristic behaviors if they are concerned about someone, like abrupt changes in appearance, behavior or personality, preoccupation with death, despairing attitude, feeling hopeless about the future and loss of interest in daily activities. When all else fails, just asking can mean a world of difference to someone who is thinking of taking his or her life, she said.
Knowing what to do and where to turn can mean the difference, Faith said.
The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline is 1-800-273-8255
and is a free resource for anyone looking for help.