Linda Puga
campus edito
From students in elementary school to college, to adults of all jobs and professions, the work-from-home transition has taken a toll on most. Regardless of who you are, we’ve endured indescribable changes in our day-to-day lives.. But for many, this season brought growing. Even in the world we live in today, there’s a way to make the most out of this time and continue a productive work life. It’s not too late to embrace the good.
While it’s hard to duplicate a classroom or office setting in your home, the habits and way you take charge of your day can certainly implement a better work environment. Maybe get up early, get dressed and keep a great schedule just as you would when you had to wake up for work/school early in the morning.
Have a workspace, such as a desk with a warm candle and a cup of coffee, just as long as it’s anywhere besides a cozy bed. While working from bed all day in pajamas may be comfortable and starts off great, it ultimately leads to drowsiness and naps.
A daily routine can include getting ready even if it’s just a comfortable outfit to work in. A pro tip for a productive day is keeping a planner and/or to-do lists to stay organized with meetings, calls and classes. Make sure to take breaks every now and then to still allow time to do something you love throughout the day.
This season of staying home and remote can become a gift with the time to start developing better habits as well as undiscovered hobbies or passions. Don’t let yourself be limited just because of the unforeseen circumstances. Be proactive and find little ways to make life meaningful again. Set SMART goals by identifying your goal as specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and timely. This method allows goal setting to be clear and attainable.
By implementing productive habits now or improving your daily unmotivating habits of the past, you will cultivate success even when returning to a classroom and office space in the future.