Constructing an organized plan of how to use time more wisely and understanding how to get there are essential to any student, and students can find out how by attending the Time Management seminar Feb. 26 on NE Campus.
History instructor Andrew Hollinger will provide need-to-know information on how to use time more efficiently and effectively.
“Often the most crucial element in a successful college career is the ability to use time wisely,” he wrote in a presentation description.
The presentation will help students understand the process and provide examples of how students can formulate an effective study plan.
Student development associate Amity Womelsdorff said that the topic is relevant to managing time in college. Hollinger will explain how to be aware and be at peace with time, she said.
The seminar begins at 12:30 p.m. in Center Corner (NSTU 1615).
— Stephanie Swain