By Micki Houk/reporter

Music, laughter, good humor and a good message about a little girl and her unique and funny friends will visit Theatre Northwest.
NW Campus drama students will perform the musical play Dear Edwina 2 p.m. Dec. 6.
Edwina Spoonapple is not just any typical 13-year-old girl. The Dear Edwina show, put together and hosted by young Edwina herself, is none other than a talk show.
In her program, Edwina can show the world a variety of guests and characters as well as open and read letters from viewers asking for advice.
“ There is a lot of audience interaction,” said Katreeva Phillips, a TCC graduate who plays Edwina.
“ We will wave to the audience and talk with them at some points. Sometimes we’ll get right in front of their faces and talk to them.”
Most cast members play more than one character, from bigger parts such as Edwina’s family to smaller roles as Edwina’s funny guests or neighborhood children.
NW Campus student Marshelle Phillips plays Periwinkle, Susie, Mary Sue Betty Bob and Edwina’s sister, Katie Spoonapple.
“ My favorite character is Periwinkle,” she said.
Phillips said the part was a bit of a challenge since Periwinkle has a personality not like her own.
“ She is so shy and quiet, it makes it a challenge until closing night,” she said. “But I love a challenge.”
During the week, the cast is giving closed performances to area middle schools, but Saturday will be the only public performance.
Director Douglas Davidson has returned to the NW Campus after a six-year absence although he has directed a total of 15 productions on TCC campuses.
“ Doug makes me smile,” said Sophia Basidiadis, a NW student who plays Annie, Aphrodite, Harry and Sinoma.
“ He tells us what we’re good at and makes sure that we focus on it.”
The heartwarming story with its strange characters and its captivating songs is perfect for all ages.
“ I love working with the actors at TCC NW,” Davidson said.
“ They are exceptionally talented, very bright and completely open to the playful rehearsal process that we have adopted to bring this play to life. I was very fortunate to have so many talented young performers audition for the show.”
Tickets are $3 at the box office. For more information, call 817-515-7724.