Serving the Tarrant County College District

The Collegian

Serving the Tarrant County College District

The Collegian

Serving the Tarrant County College District

The Collegian

We need a right, not Christian right

By Joshua Knopp/managing editor

When did the right and the Christian right become so mixed up?

It’s hard to find information on Republican candidates without finding information about their religious views. Be it Rick Perry’s belief that prayer will end economic crises, Michele Bachmann’s history of sidewalk therapy or Rick Santorum’s constant comparisons of homosexuality to pedophilia and bestiality, the possibility for these views to become law is hard to ignore.

Is it an effort to get back to the country’s roots? The most basic definition of conservatism is to resist change or move policy toward the past. But if that’s the case, they need to look at their history books.

The country is based on Enlightenment thought, which was decidedly anti-Christian for its time and remains one of the most liberal movements in recent history. The Constitution and Bill of Rights both lack religious references. 

Is it an effort to be true to their moral compass while legislating? If that’s the case, it’s a wonder they made it this far in politics.

But assuming, for a moment, that Bachmann really hires people based on their abortion stance or that Santorum really believes even civil unions provide too much freedom, expressing these beliefs through law would be to the detriment of every woman and every lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgendered person in the nation. Our leaders are supposed to separate themselves and do what is right for the individuals ­— this kind of rhetoric indicates that won’t happen.

Everyone has personal beliefs, but putting them ahead of practical realities and allowing them to affect public policy is neither conservative nor American.

I believe this country needs a different president come 2012. I like Obama, but he’s much more an emotional leader than an economic one. But right now, it looks like the position the country will be in next year will be to choose between a president who will continue to run a deficit but won’t turn his religion into law and one who might be able to start balancing a budget and will send LGBTs and single mothers into hiding.

Show me a fiscal conservative who can keep his beliefs and his pride out of the equation. Show me a fiscal conservative who understands the importance of the job he’s applying for.

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