By Edna Horton/nw news editor

With final exam time quickly approaching, some students are nervous, but others say they are fully prepared.
Exam time can be stressful for students. Finding time to study between a hectic class and work schedule can make it difficult to get a passing grade. Students on each campus study either during breaks at work or on the day before the exam.
NW Campus student Kelsie Floyd said she will find all the time she can before the test to study.
“I usually have to work the day before the exam. I am going to study during my breaks,” she said. “I cram. I have a terrible memory, so I have to cram for everything.”
Cramming is not uncommon. Most students don’t take the time to study until the last minute. Then the night before, they go over all the notes from the semester and do their best to remember what they have learned.
Diana Galvin, NE Campus student, said she doesn’t have a problem remembering information for tests. She just doesn’t have time to study for them.
“When I get a chance to study, it’s always last-minute. I know I’ll get it in, but I work full time,” she said. “It’s always a cram session because I have such little time to study.”
Some students, like Liz Au from NE Campus, think they will do well in one class but not others.
“I only have two classes, so from 3-6 p.m. is usually when I study,” she said. “I think I’ll do good on one of my finals — the other one, probably not.”

Raven Williams, SE Campus student, said she feels pressure to succeed and do well, especially in history class. Still other students, like Jo Christensen of SE Campus, are having a hard time with science.
“Chemistry is really hard this year,” she said. “I don’t understand the formulas, and the professor isn’t informative enough when we take the test.”
Some students, however, feel fully prepared for final exams. Latigra Harris from South Campus said she is confident because she has been doing what she needed to do all semester.
“I’m not nervous. I feel I’m prepared for them due to me doing what I needed to do all semester,” she said. “Don’t get me wrong. I’m going to review what I need to study, but I’m not nervous. Finals for me feel like a closure for the semester.”
Jeffery Cheney, NW Campus student, feels the same way. He said he has studied all semester and will try not to cram for finals. Others, like Rachel Bailey of SE Campus, said they will do well because of their memory.
“Exams are easy to me. I have a magic memory,” Bailey said.
SE Campus student Taurean Singh said it is up to each individual to do well and study. Singh said students only stress out because they don’t take time to study, then blame the professor for their poor performance.
Rosa Rolevo, NE Campus student, and Rachael Osborne, NW Campus student, both said they plan to go through the notes and projects they did all semester to study for their exams.
Dawn Kaelin of NW Campus said she would take her daughter’s advice for studying this semester.
“One thing I’ve learned is try not to stay up all night studying the night before,” she said. “My daughter told me, ‘No matter what, at a certain time, put your books away and go to bed because you need the sleep more.’”
One thing most students agree on is final exam time generates stress. Getting plenty of sleep and eating a good breakfast is good advice for students to follow on exam day. Cheney said he would talk to a higher power to be prepared for the day.
“I’m going to pray, and that’s about it. Pray and study as much as I can,” he said. “That’s all you can really do.”