Serving the Tarrant County College District

The Collegian

Serving the Tarrant County College District

The Collegian

Serving the Tarrant County College District

The Collegian

Step away from my Blackberry

By Susan Tallant/editor-in-chief

My name is Susan, and I am an e-mail addict.

But lucky for me, I now have a 12-step program designed to help me deal with my communication fixation.
Marsha Egan, Pennsylvania executive coach, is the mastermind behind this uncanny plan.

“ There is a crisis in corporate America, but a lot of CEOs don’t know it,” she said in a recent Reuters story by Jon Hurdle. “They haven’t figured out how expensive it is.”

Egan’s 12-step recovery was designed for people like me who cannot walk past a computer without checking e-mail, for the golfer who checks a Blackberry after each shot or for the dim-wit who checks e-mail while driving.

The steps? Admit there is a problem and let go of the need to check e-mail every 10 minutes. I have no problem with admission, but waiting 11 minutes to check mail will be a problem. Maybe I can get advice at the meetings for that one.

I hope the meetings will be online. 

Step two? Commit to keeping your inbox empty. Since it will take hours if not days to sort through mine, that is a huge commitment.

I’m scared.

Steps three through five talk about files. Well good for me because I have several, but they do me no good unless I manage them properly. Egan suggests dealing immediately with e-mails that you can handle in two minutes or less and storing the rest in a file.

Step six suggests setting a goal date to empty your inbox and not spending more than an hour at a time doing it.

Does she mean an hour at a time counting the two minutes in step five?

Let’s see … target date Feb. 28, 2012. That would give me more than 100 thousand minutes to get the job done. Is there an e-mail jail for forwarders?

The rest? 

The e-mail savior says you should turn off auto receive, have regular times to review your e-mail, involve others in conquering your addiction, reduce the amount of mail you receive and use only one subject per e-mail.

Is FW:FW:FW:FW:FW one subject or five?

Step 12? Celebrate taking a new approach to e-mail.

Does anyone want to join me in starting an EMA chapter?

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