The Collegian is a weekly student publication serving the Tarrant County College District. Editorial statements and advertisements do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the TCC administration.
Letters to the paper should be 150 words or less, free from libel and poor taste and include the writer’s Colleague ID or telephone number (the numbers will not be published).
Letters may be brought to The Collegian office (NCAB 1124A, NE Campus), or mailed to:
The Collegian • 828 Harwood Road
Hurst, TX 76054
Office: 817-515-6391 Editor: 817-515-6392
Advertising: 817-515-6619 Fax: 817-515-6767
Check out The Collegian site at or on Facebook at
TCC is an equal opportunity institution that provides educational and employment opportunities on the basis of merit and without discrimination because of race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, veteran status or disability.
Bethany Peterson, editor-in-chief
Joshua Knopp, managing editor
Mario Montalvo, ne news editor • Shirlett Warren, nw news editor
Karen Gavis, se news editor • Elaine Bonilla, south news editor
Ashley Johnson, tr news editor • Eric Poe, sports editor
Kelli Henderson, entertainment editor • David Reid, photo editor
Eric Rebosio, Tamara Martinez, computer/design assistants
Jonathan McKerley, Web designer • Jo Bryan, advertising coordinator
Marley Malenfant, Gary Collins, reporters
Kevin Smith, editorial cartoonist
Stacy Luecker, production manager
Eddye Gallagher, Chris Whitley, advisers