By Sara Pintilie/entertainment editor
Steep Canyon Rangers Lovin’ Pretty Women (3.5 stars)
Lovin’ Pretty Women, the new CD by the Steep Canyon Rangers, is a fun medley of country strings.
The vocals are not half bad, and the lyrics are entertaining though they are far from anything groundbreaking.
But the best asset of this album is the passionate band.
“KuyKendall” is entirely instru-mental, but the track amplifies the band’s skill with stringed instruments.
“Lovin’ Pretty Women” is a fun and infectious track. The listeners can’t help but smile at the upbeat lyrics.
In regards to song writing, “Be Still Moses” is the best effort. The folk song is an interesting take on the biblical man using a catchy and ominous sound.
Lovin’ Pretty Women is a great showcase of instrumental talent.