By Ali Sabir/reporter
Community professionals will reach out to SE Campus students through the In Pursuit of Excellence Mentoring Summit 8:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m. Feb. 24 in the North Ballroom.
Consisting of presentations, discussion panels and an awards ceremony, the seminar is designed for students and faculty.
“Studies show that students who connect with someone, socially and academically, on campus are more likely to be successful in college,” said SE continuing education services coordinator Terry Aaron. “Success means persist, improve GPA and, eventually, obtain a college degree.”
SE Campus President William Coppola will welcome attendees with a continental breakfast at 8:30 a.m.
At 9:15 a.m., participants can attend a panel discussion with mentors and students. Dallas County District Attorney Craig Watkins will lead “Mentoring and the Mentored: The Good and the Bad.”
After the general session, participants will have two opportunities to attend breakout sessions. From 10:10-11 a.m., the five choices include topics such as “Barriers to Success: African-American Males and the Legal System” by Watkins and “Tool Kit for Student Success: TCCD Campus Resources for Mentees” by Nicole Bradford, South student development services vice president.
Some of the choices for 11:15 a.m.-noon are “Call To Mentorship” by Steven LeMons, TR learning center coordinator, and “The Vanishing Black Man on Campus” by the Rev. Michael Evans, a Fort Worth minister.
The sessions will be followed by an awards luncheon in celebration of the successes of TCC’s Village Mentoring Program and TR Campus’ African-American Male Mentoring Program.
The keynote speaker, CBS 11 News anchor Keith Garvin, will share his journey from a college athlete and journalism student to his broadcast career and his current role at CBS and TXA 21.
Aaron said Watkins and Garvin are role models for today’s students and will serve as mentors for SE students helping them achieve success in higher education.