By Erin Ratigan/tr news editor
Students, TR Campus staff and the general public can help improve their community March 22 during the TR Day of Service.
Starting at 8 a.m., volunteers will meet in the Idea Store for worksite assignments. These sites include the TR Campus community garden, Gethsemane Presbyterian Church, Tarrant Area Food Bank, Trinity River Kayak Cleanup and several elementary schools. Service activities will end at 1 p.m.
The TR Day of Service is an annual event modeled on the Big Event public service projects organized by four-year universities.
Student development associate Elena Walker said it is important for young people to be actively involved in their community.
“It gives [students] a sense of responsibility and ownership,” she said. “It’s part of their civic duty.”
Since students are members of society, it is vital for them to understand the importance of giving back, Walker said.
Most students are interested in volunteering because their teachers offer class credit, she said, but community outreach also looks good on transfer and scholarship applications. Students are advised to check with their instructors for extra credit opportunities.
One of the benefits to the TR Day of Service, Walker said, is that it will help students figure out what their interests are.
Tasks will range from painting and cleaning playgrounds to gardening and inspecting food. Those volunteering to collect trash from the Trinity River are also required to be strong swimmers.
The event Walker has looked forward to most is working with the YWCA. There, volunteers will sanitize the children’s play area, paint the fence and create murals.
Participants must wear tennis shoes, comfortable clothing and light jackets. To sign up, students can register at