Serving the Tarrant County College District

The Collegian

Serving the Tarrant County College District

The Collegian

Serving the Tarrant County College District

The Collegian

Flag football closes out intramurals on NE Campus

By  Matt Fulkerson/sports editor

Photos by Matt Fulkerson/The Collegian
Photos by Matt Fulkerson/The Collegian

The turnout was low, but that didn’t stop NE students from playing in the 5-on-5 flag football intramurals April 23 and 25.

On April 23, 10 players showed up at the 50-yard field set up next to the tennis courts. The players split up into two teams and played two timed games, NE student Aamer Qureshi said.

More players came out for the games on April 25 but still only enough for two teams.

“We decided to break everyone up into two teams like we did on Wednesday,” NE student Luis Suarez said.

NE student Nigil Neblett said that exercise was a big reason for participating in intramurals, but meeting other students was also important.

“It really gets the ball rolling on meeting people,” he said. “If you play against them or with them, you get a chance to meet people you may not have talked to.”

The low turnout is common for intramurals at the end of the year, Suarez said.

“We usually get a bigger group in the fall,” he said. “That’s when everybody comes out.”

NE student Andrew Frank said he would like to see more advertising for intramural events next semester.

“I wish they’d post more stuff around campus,” he said. “I just happened to see a poster in the gym for football last week.”

Both days were relaxed with a few impressive plays mixed like Antony Chanthachone’s 35-yard touchdown and Undrell Thomas’ 30-yard conversion.

Intramurals on NE came to a close with flag football but will get a chance to participate again next semester.

“You don’t have to come out just for the exercise,” Neblett said. “Just hanging out with these guys is fun.”

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