Angela Neary, the department chair and assistant professor of health and physical education on NW Campus, explains ways to stay healthy and fit during the holiday season.
Q. Are there any ways of still enjoying the holiday food without eating the wrong stuff or overeating?
Everyone should enjoy the holidays. It is a time with family and friends. It is also a time where there is plenty of food and sweets to eat. There are going to be choices in foods that are not so great for our bodies. People have to realize it is OK to eat them but in moderation. Allow yourself that cheesecake, but one small slice is enough. Drink plenty of water also. Sodas and the many sugar type drinks out there just add many extra empty calories.
Q. Are there any ways of estimating how much is a normal portion when eating a holiday feast?
To be accurate, people can use a measuring cup, but that usually will not happen when sitting down at a wonderful feast. Instead of heaping scoops of the feast, it would be wise to make the scoops smaller.
Usually, there are many side dishes and then a main dish. Limit yourself to small portions. MODERATION IS THE KEY. Why stuff yourself? We all know how uncomfortable that can feel.
Q. Christmas time is known for its sweets. Do you have any suggestions on how to control the urge?
It is a challenge to control the urge to eat sweets, especially when they are around you. The key is to allow yourself to eat sweets but in moderation. Instead of having four cookies, try to eat two.
Q. Is there a time of day when it is worst to eat?
It is important to eat breakfast, lunch, dinner and a few small snacks. Many people over do it during the holidays. Snacking throughout the day and late in the evening can have a large impact on weight gain. Many people do not realize how those many snacks, sweets or late night munchies can add up in calories.
Q. What are good ways of working out with all the cold weather?
Students at TCC can utilize the gymnasium for the fall semester working out Monday-Thursday 8 a.m.-10 p.m., Friday 8 a.m.-4 p.m. and Saturday 9 a.m.-3 p.m.
There are many activities students can do inside including basketball, volleyball, weight lifting and cardio machines.
With the cold weather, if someone is interested in going outside, wearing the proper clothing is important. Many individuals overdress in the cold weather, causing overheating. A hat, gloves, long-sleeved shirt and long athletic pants will usually be just enough to go outside in the cold. Also some of the malls open early for walkers. The stores are not open, so there is not the shopping traffic.
Even though many people don’t drink as much water during the winter, it is still important to hydrate yourself after exercise even during the cold months of the year. Everyone should have anywhere from eight to 16 cups of water a day.