By Richard Llanes/reporter
NW Campus crowned its spring intramural basketball champion Thursday when We Got Game (formerly Devin Greene) overcame a 17-12 halftime deficit to defeat the Stars 21-19 in the campus gym.
Ryan Stewart, HPE instructor, runs the day-to-day aspects of the intramural program. He also refereed this hard-fought final, making sure the players’ passions didn’t compromise their safety.
He was pleased with both the final and with the tournament results this year, citing a lack of lopsided games during the round-robin tournament.
Dee McKinney, a first-year student at TCC, showed up to support the teams as a fan even though her own team, Killin’ ’Em Slowly, had been eliminated earlier in the tournament.
“I didn’t know any of these people until we started to play,” she said. “I didn’t even know this many people here liked to play basketball.”
McKinney’s sentiment highlights Stewart’s main concern from semester to semester: the number of TCC students who sign up for intramural activities.
“TCC is a commuter school with no permanent population,” he said.
“Usually what happens is that we get a core group of people that play everything.”
Despite information posted on the school’s Web site and the advertising created by the art department, Stewart depends on that core group to draw more people in to the different activities.
Next up on the NW intramural calendar is the Cowtown Marathon Feb. 28. TCC paid the fee for the students that entered. Also scheduled is an indoor soccer tournament 3:30-5:30 p.m. Feb. 27, March 5 and March 12 in the NW Campus gym.
For more information on NW intramurals, contact Ron Morgan, intramurals director, at 817-515-7749 or