By Hope Sandusky/nw news editor
Select NW art students will have their art displayed in the Lakeview Gallery (WFAB 1135A) now through May 5.
The art pieces exhibited in Hot Shots: Part Two were selected by a panel of judges, consisting of the full-time art faculty on NW Campus.

Photos by Photos by Hope Sandusky/The Collegian
“It was an invitational process,” art associate professor Winter Rusiloski said. “Instructors selected the best work made by students enrolled in classes from the fall semester and the spring semester. The jury then rated each piece of artwork and the highest scoring pieces were put on exhibition.”
The show includes paintings, drawings and 3-D works from sculpture to ceramics with a variety of media used.
The exhibition title was given by art associate professor John Hartley, who is also the director of Gallery 414 in Fort Worth.
Sara-Jayne Parsons, curator for Texas Christian University’s Fort Worth Contemporary Arts Gallery, will judge the show. Prizes will be given for first, second and third. The awards and prizes will be announced at a reception May 5.
The gallery is open during normal operating school hours and is free to the public. The reception is noon-2 p.m. May 5 in the gallery.
For more information, contact art associate professor Frederick Spaulding at 817-515-7557.