By Raegan Scharfetter
As part of its Myth Busters Series, NE Campus will host What Does Religion Say About Sexuality Nov. 16.
South Campus advising, counseling and testing director Ticily Medley will lead the session and explore the intersection of religion and sexual orientation and identity.
“My graduate research explored the intersectionality of religion and sexuality, and much of my current passion focuses on diversity and inclusion,” Medley said about the choice of topic. “I enjoy learning from others, particularly students, about how these topics impact them and their cultural/personal identities.”
She hopes that attendees to the session will benefit from engaging in open discussion about two themes that are often taboo and difficult to have open conversations about on a daily basis.
“Hopefully, participating in this event will help people understand that we can and should have similar seemingly difficult conversations more regularly,” she said.
The workshop is designed to get people thinking about the impact of the relationship between religion and sexuality.
“Bring your thoughts and questions about religious ideologies and their take on being LGBTQ,” Innovation Forum liaison Julie Nichols said.
The workshop will be held 12:30-1:50 p.m. in NE Campus’ College Hall (NCAB 1111).
The event is open to the public, and refreshments will be served.