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Serving the Tarrant County College District

The Collegian

Serving the Tarrant County College District

The Collegian

Viewpoint – Beware of political pandering tactics

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Michael Foster-Sanders/campus editorSenator Kamala Harris who recently threw her hat into the presidential race posted a video dancing to music by the artist Cardi B. Also, a Black History Month playlist was posted on Spotify of artists that Harris “listens” to.

2020 presidential hopefuls are trying to gain their party’s nomination, which means they’re already gunning for the public’s vote.

It’s funny and convenient that Harris wants to be looked at as hip and cool now that she’s chasing the nomination to try to appeal to the minority urban voter, doing a 180 of her image.

Often these candidates dangle a carrot in a form of views, being the same race, having celebrity endorsements or promises by pandering to certain demographics to grab votes only to leave them high and dry.

Anybody remember Dr. Ben Carson trying to rap to drum up the young African-American vote? Cringeworthy.

For example, federal working-class employees who voted for our current commander-in-chief, Donald Trump, expected him to represent them and their values. Do they honestly feel the same way after having their livelihoods affected by government shutdown?

People have to hold these politicians accountable before you blindly give your vote to them. Demand these candidates to be truthful and tell it how it is and also to stand on their square if they want your vote.

One way is to research a candidate’s political history, see what they did in office and what laws they pushed to get passed.

Also, take a look at their personal history. For example, President Trump was a businessman and was very vocal on things that would happen in the news, or Senator Bernie Sanders being a civil rights activist that marched with Dr. Martin Luther King.

You owe it to yourself and your future to take the time and research voting and do their policies and views align with your own.

Don’t be hoodwinked by a politician just because of dancing to Cardi B.

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