Serving the Tarrant County College District

The Collegian

Serving the Tarrant County College District

The Collegian

Serving the Tarrant County College District

The Collegian

Tales of horror From The UnsoundMind-Despair

Illustrated by Kristral Blankinship/The Collegian

My name is Marcos. I’m a youtuber and a twitch streamer. My content mostly consists of going to haunted and/or abandoned places. I reside from Florida. I only stuck with doing places in the state and went on to do outside the state. The more popularity I got, the farther I would travel.

One day, I got an email from a viewer of mine about an abandoned asylum near his location. I won’t reveal the name and location for privacy reasons but lets just say its out of the country. I decided to do some research on the asylum.

The asylum was built in 1924. It became operational just two years later. It ran from 1926 to 1969. A doctor by the name of Doctor Jonathan Moore. He was a neurologist and neurosurgeon who became the head doctor of the asylum. He would perform experiments on the patients to figure out what can drive man mad. On November 29, 1968, a breakout happened. Patients started killing each other, killing nurses, and eventually killing the doctor himself. In order to get control of the situation, authorities had to go in and kill all the remaining patients that were alive. Only two nurses lived. Today, the asylum sits alone in its barren open land rotting. It is property to the government of the region.

After doing my research, I bought plane tickets to my destination. It was a long 13 hour flight, but I made it in one piece. I booked 3 nights at a hotel and went right to my room and slept. But before I did, I went on social media to tell all my followers where I was going. After, I went to sleep.

The next morning, I went out to eat, went back to my room, and got ready for my investigation. I knew before I left the guards would not let me in, so I had to sneak my way in. I ordered a taxi to take me close to my destination. As soon as I got close, I got out and paid the driver. I then went to the asylum on foot.

After a 20 minute walk, I made it. But there was a gate with guards. The property was surrounded bye a fence. I walked the fence to look for an opening. I found an opening after 5 minutes, snuck through the torn open fence and quietly went to the building. As I was walking, I pulled out my camera to get ready to record and found a window I could crawl through. I walked in, and already got a creepy feeling.

I found mold on the ceiling, so I took out my mask and put it on. The room I was in looked to be a staff room. I started recording and did my normal intro. I walked into the hallway. I immediately had chills go down my spine. Talking to my camera as if its my audience for maybe 5 minutes, and I heard a knock. It startled me for a bit, but I kept going. Going on with the investigation, quite a bit of things were happening. The building was making weird noises, unexplainable sounds, and what I thought were voices. I don’t know if my mind and ears were playing tricks on me, but I was getting scared.

I eventually found an interesting room. Walking in to discover what looked to be the doctor’s office. Everything you would expect was still here untouched. Books, filing cabinets, a desk, and chair, and pictures. The room felt very heavy. As if I wasn’t alone or there was pressure. While looking around the room, I heard something move. I looked to the direction of the sound and the chair was moving… slowly. I froze with fear looking at it. I heard a loud scream. Like the sound of a raging demon roaring and the chair went flying towards the wall. I immediately run out the room to try and find my way back to the room with the open window. After running for what seemed like forever, I came to a realization that no one in my situation would want to realize…

I was lost…

Looking for clues all over the building and trying to retrace my steps, I found a spot on the wall I recognized was near the staff room. I found the room only to realize the window was boarded shut. “That’s not possible…,” I said to myself. My heart was racing. I stood there wondering what was going on. I started hearing humming from the hallway. It sounded like a woman humming. Thinking and hoping it was a guard, I ran out to get their attention. “Excuse me ma’am but I am…”, I yelled out only to see the figure of the back of an old nurse. Marilyn Monroe style hair, the old nursing outfit with the cap. “Is it time for your shots sweetie,” she said to me.? She turned around with her upper half of her body to smile at me. I looked at her cold, rotting dead face with the whitest eyes I have ever seen. She pulls out a syringe with a needle for intimidation. Laughs and then opens up her mouth widely and what followed was the scream of a banshee. I fell on the ground dropping my camera. I quickly got back up at ran away from the nurse. Sprinting in the darkness. I had to stop to grab my flashlight. I turned it on and looked for a room to hide in. Found a bathroom and closed the door and shutting off my flashlight. I could hear the sound of the nurse’s high heels stepping on the floor. “Sweetie, you need to get your shots. You aren’t feeling well,” she called to me. She continued walking. I waited in the bathroom until I felt composed to go back out.

After what felt like forever, but was really 15-20 minutes. I walked out and went back to find my camera. I found where I dropped it. Only to find that it was gone except the battery for it. There was no point worrying about the camera, I had to get out of this hellhole.

After roaming the halls, I felt relieved to find the main door and front desk. I ran to the front door. I dropped to my knees to the sight that it was chained up. I felt tired and scared. I banged and banged on the door hoping someone could hear me. “GET ME OUT OF HERE,” I yelled.!

“There is no way out of here.” My body froze in fear. I slowly turned my head to the front desk. I saw the another nurse look at me with a smile and white eyes. “You’re stuck here until you get better. But don’t worry, Doctor Moore will help you. All you got to do is give in,” she said to me.

“Give in… Give in… Give in…”

“I will not give in!”


I ran away as fast as I could. I could hear what sounded like multiple people laughing and yelling at me to, “Give In…”

I ran to a room to hide in to barricade myself in.

If you’re reading this and you’ve gotten this far. I am trapped and need help. Please help me, there is no way out…

Author of The Unsound Mind

Illustrated by Kristral Blankinship/The Collegian
Illustrated by Kristral Blankinship/The Collegian
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