Canvas to become new course delivery system

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Mary Maturo
campus editor
TCC released information on Feb. 22 regarding the upcoming switch from the current Blackboard course system to Canvas.
Canvas is primarily used as a course manager for students and educators. The transition announcement came almost a year after the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic prompted most courses to be delivered online.
The past year has been primarily taught virtually through Blackboard. Staff and students are familiar with the site, but not used to solely using it.Its multipurpose design has served TCC for several years and is used by student organizations and campus support services as well.
The upcoming transition to Canvas has come as a shock to some students. Although an email announcement was sent out, it is not known if the entire student body received the news.
TR student Valerie Jarure is a freshman at TCC and has spent her first year immersed in an online college experience. When Jarure discovered the upcoming switch to Canvas she said she didn’t know it was happening.“I will say, I’ve learned how to communicate with my peers and colleagues,” Jarure said.
Other students were concerned about the change. TR nursing student Kristian Mustafic, like others in her program, has seen drastic changes to her courses.
“I feel like moving online in general was a hard adjustment,” Mustafic said. “We are getting into a good rhythm”
She is not at all excited about the change, she said. Mustafic added that students in her program were still learning where to find valuable support systems, such as supplemental instruction.
TR student Maria Granados is open to the change, but is concerned about the timeline.
TCC is waiting until next semester to implement the transition to Canvas.Although no exact date of the switch is confirmed, it is stipulated that the Canvas system will be in place for the Fall 2021 semester.