john schnobrich/unsplash
senior editor
The mission of the Student Government Association is to be the voice for the student body across the district and that includes, but is not limited to, finding ways to improve the campuses and student life.
SE SGA President Matthew Jewell is excited for what’s to come in this next term.
“TCC has so much opportunity and resources to offer,” Jewell said. “I want to give students outlets to learn and be able to express themselves without any ounce of judgment.”
Jewell wants to create a safe space that’s provided by the inclusive environment at SE.
“I want to make our events accessible to students and keep our students engaged in the spirit of TCC SE,” he said. “Student government gives a chance to be the voice of every student, and I plan to use the platform to make everyone’s voice heard.”
South SGA President Karina Calderon said one of the main reasons she ran for president was because of a situation she experienced that she reported but saw no change.
“One of the first issues I plan to discuss is how to improve student advocacy and make the bridge between students and administration/faculty an easier, more comfortable process,” Calderon said. “I want the voice of my fellow peers to be heard, and I want to hear their opinions whether it be negative or positive.”
Another issue she plans to address is student engagement in their academics.
“I want to make sure everyone is aware of and has access to the resources we have available on campus and that they’re taking advantage of these resources, as well as get input on how we can better help students academically, such as getting newer equipment and better resources to help you achieve your personal goals while pursuing your education,” she said.
She said she wants to see more students participate in events hosted by TCC.
“If there isn’t an event that suits your interest, suggestions for new events are always welcome,” Calderon said. “I am in contact with our previous president, Jalisa Stovall, and hope she can enlighten me on some of the issues she was working on and hopefully will continue to resolve those issues.”
NW SGA President Sammy Jepsen plans on continuing his current plan for ensuring student success and bettering campus life.
“As president, I’ll work to provide new ways to give student concerns more of a voice regarding our new campus, policy changes and basic issues,” Jepsen said. “Students’ voices need to be heard by not only the SGA but the campus administration too.”
He said relationships are important among students, but they are meaningless if there is not a good relationship established between the students, faculty and staff.
“I plan on bringing back Christian student ministries into the limelight so that students all across the campus will have another opportunity to participate,” Jepsen said. “I will continue to work with all TCC NW clubs in order to bring a better campus experience to all students.”
He said an important part of being in the SGA is standing up for the student body when others won’t.
“We are here to make changes and be the voice of the student body for the future of our campus,” Jepsen said. “I will not only care and work with TCC students, but I will make sure to develop a close relationship with students so that we can work together comfortably.”
He hopes that by the end of his term, the campus student body will be happy and willing to present concerns or suggestions to the SGA to better the campus for the future.
“You have to show them that you not only care but that you’re willing to shed sweat, blood and tears to make sure that they have the best experience possible here at TCC NW,” he said. “To treat people with honor and integrity is by far vital to the success of this campus. People will see this and want to replicate it.”