Infographic by Abbas Ghor/The Collegian
The countdown to the end of the semester has begun, and students are beginning to prepare for final exams and projects.
For many, stress and anxiety are inevitable factors that come up during this time, and students are sharing ways they are dealing with them to avoid burnout.
TR student Alexandra Hartman said she tries to prepare ahead of time to see what needs to be done.
“I figure out all that I need to do at the beginning, prepare everything beforehand,” Hartman said. “So, when the time comes, I can just do it without any stress behind it.”
Finals week can be not only intimidating but also draining and grueling for students having to study endlessly for an exam or assignment.
For TR student Justin Lopez, he said it’s important to steer away from studying once in a while.
“It’s good to have a distraction or some kind of thing outside of whatever you are working on to help clear your mind,” Lopez said. “Doing things like chess and reading, being involved in theater, really helps me during those times.”
TR student Edith Flores also said taking a break is essential in doing well for finals week.
“I go out on walks on the wellness path, listen to music and paint on the weekends,” Flores said. “I try to keep a relaxed state so that I can be at my best.”
TR sociology assistant professor Theresa Schrantz told students that planning and preparation are important.
“Make a detailed record of what needs to be done and when,” Schrantz said. “Next, strategize and make a plan, then follow it.”
Schrantz also said students should make time in their day to engage in activities that bring them joy and comfort.
“Take a deep breath and just breathe,” she said. “Know you are OK and will be OK, no matter what.”