campus editor
As students navigate college, knowing how to stay healthy can be a vital component in achieving one’s academic goals. Students share how contraceptives may or may not be a tool to keep themselves safe.
For those who may be considering any form of contraceptives, taking the time to research the different options available can be helpful for students who may not know what the best choice is for them.
Understanding what resources are available and how each option can be of value, may be of benefit to those interested in practicing safe sex.
“I think (contraceptives) are very important and the resources that you need to get them are very important as well,” NE Student Development Specialist Arianna Giangrande said.
NE student Elizabeth Maritnez said that she didn’t learn about all of the different options available in school, and that she wishes people would’ve said more on the topic. Considering herself an open person, Maritnez hopes to be a part of conversations about practicing safe sex in the future.
“I didn’t really get a lot of education,” Martinez said. “All I’ve learned is that we need condoms for STD’s and that’s it.”
Giangrande also said she didn’t receive much of an education on contraception. She suggests a refresher for those, who like her, may not feel confident about what they learned in high school.
“The only education I’ve gotten was in high school, and they didn’t go over it very well or in detail,” she said. “I kind of just think that doing it later on in life as well, to keep you updated, would help keep it fresh in your mind.”
Accessibility to different forms of contraception may be different depending on your needs. South student Ryan Patino said that when it comes to getting adequate protection, he thinks men may have an easier time than women.
“For a guy it’s easier to obtain certain contraceptives, such as condoms, because we have accessibility to them in a majority of stores and gas stations,” Patino said. “For women it’s more difficult to obtain a contraceptive because they may have to go through medical evaluations.”
While NE Health services doesn’t give out medication to students, NE RN Tammy Etter and Administrative assistant Gloria Randles said that they can provide information regarding reproductive health, as well as offering pregnancy tests. STI testing sites, offered by health services, also have condoms available for students.
For NE student Joy Madrzak, contraceptives aren’t the way to protect oneself. She said that due to the potential medical and moral issues that can arise, considering other options, such as practicing abstinence, is best for her.
“I believe that it’s a form of abortion and I believe that it’s not right,” Madrzak said. “I’ve also heard stories of women having their hair thinned because it messes up their estrogen levels.”
Madrzak said why abstinence can be an important way for students to prevent pregnancies.
“I get it, I wouldn’t want the responsibility of a child while I’m single and in college,” she said. “That’s a big responsibility, so abstinence is a great way to prevent a child from forming in your womb.”
For students interested in learning about different forms of contraception, Giangrande suggests Planned Parenthood.
“I would say, definitely check out Planned Parenthood’s website or maybe make an appointment because they do have a lot of resources and information available that I’ve found to be very helpful,” she said.