campus editor
Finally arriving at college is a great blessing, so how come it still feels like it isn’t enough?
Not too long ago, a number of college students were in high school. Not too long ago, many of said students would show up to school each day, eagerly anticipating yet another insightful chat with their friends on who other students are dating, what last night’s homework was or talk proudly about how much sleep they didn’t get. Usual high schooler stuff, really.
It may not be true for all, of course, but it’s likely not a stretch to say a few of the people many of those students went to school with are probably off doing their own things.
While some of us have gone to pursue our education at community college (which is a beautiful thing), some have gone and accomplished — a lot.
It’s fascinating seeing people’s paths play out so differently. For every new college student fresh off the heels of high school, there’s another that has become a proud social media influencer, actor, globetrotting traveler, becoming homeowners, starting families, etc.
Speaking from experience, it’s definitely surreal and cool seeing familiar faces (or just anyone around your age) going on to do such amazing things. Though, there’s a bit of a nagging feeling that arises. A little voice that tells people they aren’t good enough. Why is that?
Is it a feeling of inadequacy? A feeling of envy? Doubt? Inferiority (which I’m pretty sure isn’t too dissimilar from inadequacy but I digress).
There’s a bit of an uncomfortable and more than a slightly self-deprecating gut feeling that flares up when seeing someone from middle or high school become a runaway celebrity sensation. It’s a human response, but it can be damaging if left unchecked.
We all get that feeling from time to time, but it wallowing in the envy and that self-loathing can hurt more than it can help. It’s a feeling that can be frustrating for sure, but it is important to understand that if you’re feeling this way – you’re not alone.
Acknowledging that nagging feeling – that envy and doubt – is the first step in a journey that could lead to a magnificent, flourishing lifestyle. It may feel like time is running thin sometimes, and it may feel suffocating, but don’t panic.
Speaking from experience (again), try to focus on the little successes in life. Take your time. Don’t worry about what others are doing. Don’t worry about things out of your control. Life isn’t a race after all.