Claire Weeden/The Collegian
After welcoming students back for the spring semester last week, the South Campus Student Government Association officers will be sworn in at 12:30 p.m. Jan. 28 in the SSTU Living Room.
Immediately following the inauguration, the SGA will hold its first official meeting at 1:30 p.m. in the same room.
“I’m looking forward to it,” said LaDoris Pope, who was elected parliamentarian last fall. “It will give us the chance to let the student body know that there is [officially] a student government.”
Fellow SGA executive board member Quientella Lister, who was elected treasurer, shares Pope’s enthusiasm.
“We’re all excited about officially taking office,” she said. “[The ceremony] makes it official.”
Lister said the first meeting has no set agenda and will be an opportunity for students and clubs to share their thoughts and feelings on the things happening on campus.
“[It’s an] open meeting for students to express what they feel and what they want to see happen,” she said.
Light refreshments will be served after the inauguration.
— Tristian Evans