Achieving success in college may seem daunting for many, but salvation could be as simple as managing one’s time wisely, NE Campus students will be shown Sept. 13.
The presentation, Managing Your Time, Balancing Multiple Roles, will be at 12:30 p.m. in the NSTU Center Corner.
Attendees will hear NE history and philosophy instructor Andrew Hollinger’s tips on allocating one’s time wisely and profitably.
“This is perhaps the most important thing students will learn in college, which is to use the finite resource they have, which is their time, effectively and efficiently,” he said.
Hollinger said he will focus on how to divide one’s time so that success is a reachable goal. Drawing on his own experiences in college and the 45 years since, he will provide a blueprint that can be tailored to the student, who, without a plan, could be headed for failure.
“Frankly, from my experience, this is where people fall down the most,” he said.
This presentation is the second in a series of eight Student Success Seminars sponsored by the NE student activities office. The third, Positive Self-Esteem and the Road to Success, will be Oct. 2 in Center Corner.
—Z. Poe Doyle