By John Garces/reporter

The NE Campus dodge ball tournament was won by Team 2.
The winning team comprises Tony Luscri, Luke Manthurutil, Daniel Lim, Sam Strader and Nan Phikaensai.
The tourney, Nov. 30, had two teams of five.
While numbers were down, the competitive spirit was high.
“ Because of the end of the semester, participation was kind of low,” Kim Kerby-Dickman, NE HPE instructor said. “We usually have a better turn-out than this for dodge ball.”
The dodge ball tournament wrapped up the fall semester’s round of NEW (NE Wellness) games.
Prizes ranging from coozies to T-shirts to towels were awarded to all participants.
The winning team defeated Team 1, consisting of NE students Andrea Olson, Manny Sanchez, Melanie Ramirez, Jose Felites and Tyler Foster.
More games are planned for spring.