By Danilynn Welniak/reporter
Since the Army built Fort Worth June 6, 1849, the Trinity River has been the soul of the city.
The river hosts a world of opportunities that are waiting to emerge and enhance Fort Worth, the Trinity River Vision Authority executive director told 110 representatives from 22 different colleges and organizations Feb. 6.
“We would not be here today without the Trinity River,” J.D. Granger said.
Granger described the Trinity River Vision for 88 miles of the Trinity River and its major tributaries in Fort Worth and the goal to preserve and enhance the river so that it remains essential for trails, neighborhood focal points, wildlife and special recreation areas.
The Trinity River Vision is divided into three major projects: Trinity Uptown, Central City and Gateway Park.
“Trinity Uptown will provide the link from downtown to the Stockyards and the Cultural District,” he said.
Public utilization of the river has become a priority, so the project will combine recreational opportunities with flood control and environmental improvements.
Eventually, the entire area will become attractive for both private development and mixed-income housing, Granger said.
The east side of the river will be the “hard edge” intended for development and plenty of access for everyone, including the handicapped, Granger said. The west side will be the “soft edge,” enhanced and remodeled for recreation.
“The goal is to build it right for us,” he said.
An envisioned 10,000 housing units and 3 million square feet of commercial, retail and educational space will provide places for Fort Worth residents and tourists to shop, live, play, work and learn around the river.
Gateway Park, a 1,000-acre public park, will offer several recreational amenities. Some of the park projects include soccer, baseball and softball fields, covered basketball courts, an amphitheater for concerts, an equestrian trail facility, expansion of the dog park, 15 miles of trails, a splash park and water sports.
Although the Trinity River Vision seems focused on additions and buildings, Granger said, the restoration of the Riverside Oxbow’s ecosystem will be completed first.
A few of the plans include planting 72,000 new trees and cleaning up the water in the river. The gravel pits will be refurbished to create a wetland environment.
“The economic impact will be tremendous,” he said. “The entire vision and its developments will bring in 16,000 permanent jobs and will increase the tax base by $1.1 billion.”
Most of the Trinity River Vision will take seven to eight years to complete, Granger said.
For more information and a detailed photographic look at the Trinity River Vision, visit Trinity