NE seminar offers help in choosing major
Students needing help with choosing an academic major can receive information on the subject at a NE Campus seminar.
Choosing an Academic Major, scheduled 12:30-2 p.m. March 3 in NSTU 1615A, will be presented by Lilian Mabry, NE academic advisor.
“Although you don’t have to pick a major until your junior year, and we are a two-year university, it would be nice if students found a motivation to achieve a goal,” Mabry said.
One of the main points of the seminar will be explaining to students some of the things they need to consider when choosing a major.
“Values, goals, interests, abilities and skills are the general areas to look for when choosing a career,” she said. “With the economy the way it is, we all still need to make a living, so it’s important to balance things out.”
Included in the seminar will be information on numerous assessment tools, such as job interviewing, job shadowing, getting internships and finding one’s passion.
The seminar will be interactive with several activities planned to get the students involved, Mabry said.
— John Garces
Transfer center at TR hosts kickoff week
Representatives from several major colleges and universities will convene on Trinity River Campus to assist students who plan to transfer either later this year or in Spring 2011.
The transfer center presents Transfer Connections kickoff week March 1-5. The event begins on Main Street in the Trinity River Building and will run daily 8:30 a.m.-2 p.m.
University of Phoenix, UT-Arlington, Texas Christian University and Baylor University are just a few of the four-year schools that will have representatives in place to provide general information, requirements and guidance on transfer procedures.
Refreshments will be provided, and students will have the chance to win door prizes and other complimentary items.
For more information, contact Sharon Moore at 817-515-1198 or 817-515-1285.
— Andrea Conley
Poison prevention tips offered at NW Campus
Students and staff can learn how to poison-proof their homes and protect their children at the Poison Preventions Lunch sponsored by NW Campus health services.
In honor of National Poison Prevention Week, the free lunch will be held at 12:30 p.m. March 3 in Michael Saenz Conference Center (WACB 1123).
Mike Yudizky of the North Texas Poison Center in Dallas will present Of Course My Home’s Poison Proof … Or Is It?
“[Children] are the individuals more likely to be poisoned or to succumb to poison,” said Evette Brazzile, NW health services director.
The presentation will show students how to look through a toddler’s eyes to poison-proof their homes as well as how the North Texas Poison Center works.
Those wanting to attend the event should RSVP by calling 817-515-7790.
— Bethany Peterson
Help given to would-be dropouts at NE Campus
Students trying to avoid the itch to drop out can attend How Can I Stay in School? Lessons from World of Warcraft 6-7:30 p.m. March 3 in NSTU Center Corner on NE Campus.
Rebecca Balcarcel, an associate professor of English, said she understands students’ struggle to balance school with their personal lives. Balcarcel said it’s almost always possible to find a way back to school.
“I had to drop out of school for a medical issue,” she said. “Later, I dropped out again as a newlywed. Eventually, I went back to school with three children under 3 years old.”
Balcarcel said seeing students juggle their education with their work and families inspired her to create a seminar.
“Many students’ families need the student to work and contribute to the household,” she said. “I’d like students who attend the seminar to take away strategies for staying in school despite duties to jobs and families.”
Balcarcel said just like the video game World of Warcraft, students have to spend the time and money in school to get where they want.
— Marley Malenfant