A new lot and new entrances will help with traffic flow and lack of parking, officials said.
Recently, SE opened a new lot for students near the east side of the campus next to the ESEE wing and ESCT building. This was designed to help decrease parking issues across campus.
The Southeast Parkway entrance and visitors parking lot is currently under construction.
SE facilities manager David Waldrop said the entrance that leads to the visitors parking will have easier access. Previously, a vehicle had to make a few twists and turns, but after the construction, it will be a straight shot.
“It’s going to be more convenient,” Waldrop said.
Once the construction is finished by the Southeast Parkway entrance, more parking spots will be available for visitors too.
“The construction should be completed and usable by the time students come back from spring break,” Waldrop said.
During the summer, two additional projects will be underway. A stoplight will be installed at the Southeast Parkway entrance.
Strategic project development director Margaret Lutton said the traffic light has been in the works for a few years, but now it’s scheduled to be installed.
“This will be the final phase for this project,” she said.
An additional proposed entrance will be made available off Highway 360 leading into the east parking lot. This will make a total of three entrances available to get on SE.
Student development services director Doug Peak said construction updates are held each week to talk about what is going on for the upcoming weeks.
— Elaine Bonilla