The Collegian is a publication for the Tarrant County College district. We cover 6 campuses (3 in Ft. Worth, 1 in Hurst, and 1 in Arlington) and print 10,000 copies weekly. Due to Novel Coronavirus, The Collegian has moved to an all digital format. The Collegian is published each week on Wednesday mornings and is free to the TCC population. (Except for holidays, examination periods, summer, and conventions). To place an advertising order email
*DEADLINE for Ad placement is the Thursday prior to the publication date by 5:00 p.m.
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Collegian advertising is based on modular sizes of full, half, quarter and business card size ads.
*Discounts may be available for multiple ads
The Collegian offers premium ad placement. If you reserve back covers for 4 issues this school year, you will receive a 15% discount.
Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover are welcome. Make all checks payable The Collegian. There is a $15 service charge for each returned check.
Submitting Files When submitting advertising files for publication, please use any of the following formats:
.pdf (preferred)
Please submit high resolution images. Make sure the crop marks are set at an eighth of an inch away from the image so that the crop marks do not directly touch the image.
Advertising Policy:
The Collegian accepts legitimate advertising, reserving the right to reject or edit advertising copy that is libelous; promotes academic dishonesty; violates postal regulations or federal, state or local laws; or encourages discrimination against or exploitation of any individual or group. Advertisements for alcoholic beverages, drugs, tobacco products, or any advertising determined to be in poor taste will not be accepted. Positions requests will be honored whenever possible, but The Collegian does not guarantee positioning. Advertiser is responsible for full cost of space reserved if ad is cancelled after the deadline.
Political Advertising All political advertising must be paid in advance and plainly identify the sponsor of the advertisement and contain the words “Paid Political Advertisement.” All political advertisers receive the same rate as other advertisers.
Copy Regulations:
Composition, photography and artwork produced by The Collegian becomes the property of TCC Student Publications and may not be used or reproduced without prior written consent of the Director of Student Publications.