September, 11, 2019 | Lucretia White | campus editor |

South students Lillie Sepulveda, Keely York-Mora, Randi Ragan, Corey Cammon and Joe Cretsinger practice their lines during rehearsals in preparation for the South Campus production.
South Campus students will host a play called Club Lit.FL19 based on an original series show called Club Lit.
“I will be singing ‘Reflection’ by Mulan and reciting a poem about why I wear my sunglasses,” South Campus Keely York-Mora student said. “Maybe one day I do like my parents said and walk outside without my sunglasses on,” York-Mora said.
Local musician Tony Finely will sound off on the bass while providing sound. Admissions will be free to all TCC students, faculty and staff, $3 for other students and senior citizens. Tickets are sold at $6 to the public on the day of the performance at the box office beginning at 7:00 p.m. Admission will only accept cash with no late seating.
“I will be reciting two poems, expressing myself comically about the best day of my life and my new kicks,” Joe Cretsinger South Campus student said. “When we are together we are like peanut butter and jelly, all we are missing is the bread.”
The show will showcase a series of prose, poetry and dramatic literature acted by theater practicum students. Students have a chance to express themselves while performing together, sharing an equal amount of stage and screen time, also known as an ensemble show.
According to South Campus student Corey Cammon, the play is significant to TCC students because they have a chance to act out important moments in their lives to the audience. The theater class earns a grade by participating in role and contributing to the set. The introduction to theater class will watch from the audience for a grade.
“Many of my students who come to see the show have never experienced live theater before, hopefully seeing their peers will motivate them do it also,” South Campus theater director Lindy Benton-Muller said.