In Kevin Hearne’s debut novel, Hounded, bookstore owner Atticus O’Sullivan finds himself battling demons, witches and ancient Celtic gods. Atticus isn’t your average 21-year-old guy. For starters, he’s actually a 2,100-year-old druid who has been a target of the Celtic god of love for centuries for stealing an ancient sword.
The book begins with two minions of Aenghus Og, the aforementioned Celtic love god, attacking Atticus in his bookstore in an attempt to reclaim the sword. Even though Atticus disposes of them without a problem, he is warned by the Celtic goddess of death, The Morrigan, that he will die soon. Atticus decides the time for running is over and that if he dies, he will die fighting.
Hounded is a noteworthy addition to the genre. Hearne has created a character with a wicked sense of humor who doesn’t take himself too seriously.
While Atticus is an engaging and funny protagonist, there is something to be said about the supporting cast. To put it simply, they’re awesome. In Hounded, everyone from Atticus’ Genghis Khan-obsessed talking Irish Wolfhound, Oberon (who doesn’t love Shakespeare references?); to the Widow MacDonagh, an old Irish woman who curses like a sailor; to Atticus’ lawyer Leif Helgarson, a vampire with a long-standing feud with the Norse god of thunder, Thor, is fleshed out, and, at times, threatens to outshine Atticus himself.
While this might all sound just a bit silly, it works. Not since Neil Gaiman’s American Gods has a book so easily woven the characters from mythology and folklore into modern times in a believable way. These gods and monsters could be the person sitting at the next table in a restaurant or the person walking past on the street with no one the wiser. Anyone who isn’t a fan of fantasy novels should steer clear of this one.
Hounded is a fast-paced, hilarious, well-written novel. Luckily, it is also the first book in a trilogy.
Final Verdict: Fans of American Gods, talking dogs and well-written stories involving the mythical characters in modern times will love it.