Conflict resolution will be the topic of a discussion presented by Leon Minor, NW student support coordinator, 12:30-1:30 p.m. Oct. 28 at the Larry Darlage Center Corner (NSTU 1615A).
The main focus will be to provide students insight into methods for more effectively managing their emotions, organizers said.
“Conflict resolution is timeless,” said Kateeka Harris, NE student support coordinator. “It’s good for both personal and business relationships.”
With the heightened use of social media, many people are interacting less with others face to face, and more often than not, anonymously with a computer screen, the coordinators said. Reducing personal interaction has made the skill of maintaining composure more important, they added.
“People are more likely to say things online to others that they wouldn’t in person,” Minor said.
There will also be an emphasis on making sure students are aware of the policies at TCC about the way students interact with one another.
— Adam Dodson