By Audrey Werth/tr news editor
South Campus’ Carillon Gallery is exhibiting a diverse collection of faculty work including ceramics, paintings, mixed media and a quilt.
Joshua Goode, fine arts department chair, said Philmore Peterson’s mixed media artwork, “Maggot Brain/Splitting Headache,” became a focal point of the show.
Peterson used paint, textured wallpaper and Masonite board to construct a cohesive series of interwoven lines free of the boundaries of a canvas. Peterson wanted to know how the forms and ideas he normally worked with would be changed if they were not confined to the square frame of a canvas.

“I wanted them to be as real as possible without there actually being any organic forms you would find in the natural world,” he said. “I wanted to remove these forms because they carry preconceived notions, and I wanted the viewer to come to their own conclusions.”
Some visitors enjoyed the colors and influences this piece shared with graffiti.
“Many people don’t realize it, but graffiti actually can be quite beautiful,” South student Elizabeth Anfin said.
Other pieces on display include ceramics by Earline Green, a quilt by Anita Knox and paintings by Michelle Long.
One painting by Long shows hands making shadow puppets, another displays four beach balls painted against a blue background.
Four of Earline Green’s large unglazed pots are elegantly displayed in the gallery alongside a sculptural chess set by Ron Favor.
For students, the chance to see their professors’ work displayed in a gallery was exciting.

“It is good to see their artwork. It gives you a different perspective of them. It allows you to see them as artists not just professors,” South student Juan Orta said.
Orta said his professors always encourage him in class, but seeing their work added depth to that.
“This is more of a visual encouragement to me,” he said.
Orta said the experience gave him ideas to use in his own paintings and sculptures.